Where we have been.....
Big Cypress To-Pee-Kee-Ke Building Outreach, Jan. 21
Canvass Board Orientation, Jan. 27
Oakbrook Outreach
Barron Library Outreach table
Up the Grove Elementary School, Jan. 29 - Read to the Children
Clewiston Lions Club, Jan. 30
Clewiston Senior Center, Outreach table
Clewiston Rotary, Feb. 3
LaBelle Rotary, Feb 4
Hendry County Fair Booth, Feb. 6
FSW Outreach table, Feb. 7
Oakbrook registration drive, Feb. 7th
LJ Nobles Senior Center Outreach and table, Feb. 10
Night on the Town, Feb. 18
LaBelle Heritage Dinner, Feb 20
Swamp Cabbage Parade, Feb. 22
Hendry County Health Fair, Clewiston, Feb. 29
And where we are headed....
Women's Club, March 10th, 6 pm
Sugar Festival, Clewiston, March 21
Brown Sugar Festival, May 2
Black Heritage Festival, May 16